Friday, December 3, 2010

The Great Debate. Absitence vs. Comprehensive Sex Ed

The debate whether schools should teach abstinence or comprehensive sex ed has been a long one. Teaching abstinence states that schools teach that having no sex before marriage is the way to go. While teaching comprehensive sex ed states that students should be taught how to have safe sex. 
The argument for comprehensive sex ed  is against abstinence because it is telling teenagers to just say no. Yet doesn't make them say no and when faced with the option to have sex many still do but don't know how to have safe sex. Which can lead to STDs, including HIV which can turn into AIDs. In an article written by , on she makes an argument for "Top 10 Reasons to Support Comprehensive Education in Schools" In this she states "A large number of teens are sexually active. According to the CDC, in 2005, 47 percent of high school students had had sex at least once, and 14 percent had had four or more sexual partners. Sixty-three percent of sexually active students had used condoms the last time they had sex, but only 18 percent had used birth control pill." This study shows that highschool students are having sex and the writer argues that they must know how to protect them selves from young pregnancy and STDs. Many believe this argument is obsolete.
The argument for abstinence is saying that abstinence is the only way to prevent STDs an pregnancy 100%.  "The thought of having sex while you are a teenager may seem pretty cool and a really good way to get someone to like you, but it can backfire. The truth is, having sex while you are a teen can make you feel bad about yourself and your partner. While sex may look like something very attractive and worthwhile, you often don’t see what can happen after sex when you are a teen." (
This debate has been going on for years. No one has come to a conclusion of what should be taught in school because either side wont back down on their argument. What both sides can agree on is that the spread of STDs HAS to be terminated and only through education can it began too.


Boskey, By Elizabeth. "Abstinence - Top 10 Reasons to Support Comprehensive Sex Education in Schools - Sex Education." Sexually Transmitted Diseases - STDs. 24 Mar. 2010. Web. 03 Dec. 2010. <>.

 "Abstinence – Safe Sex Is No Sex – Body." Be Happy. Be Healthy. Be You. Beautiful. Web. 03 Dec. 2010. <>.

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